Saturday, January 25, 2014

First Birthday Card

Andrew came running through the door yesterday after school saying he wanted to make Jonathan his first birthday card.  He grabbed two pieces of lined notebook paper, a pencil, and some crayons and sat at the table for a half hour making them.

Here's the first one: (he made it in pretty colors so that "Jonathan could lay in his cradle and look at it.")

Here's the second one: (This is obviously a sibling picture.  Andrew is holding Jonathan and Andrew is wearing his favorite color, orange.  He made Jonathan have a blue outfit on.  Then he asked Sissy and Abby what their favorite colors are for their outfits - purple (Sissy) and pink (Abby).)

He disappeared for a second and came back and announced that he put them both in Jonathan's cradle so he can lay there and look at them and know that they are from Andrew.

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