Sunday, September 30, 2012

Utility Box Xtreme Sports

We were lucky enough to have this utility box between our house and our next door neighbors' house.  For years it has served as a meeting place, picnic table, venue for discussions among girlfriends, and most recently, Andrew's Xtreme Sport arena.

Abby uses it as her drum set since she's not old enough to jump yet.

Yesterday, I caught some really cool shots of previously timid and careful Andrew turned daredevil Andrew doing all kinds of cool jumps from the top.  I enlarged my favorites.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Abby Hannah = Auntie Hannah

I've known for a few years that my children come out, and continue to, look just like my sister, Hannah. Pictures of Hannah and Andrew and pictures of me and Andrew, there is no comparison - he looks like her kid.  NOW, 2 year old Abby gets up from her nap today all sweaty from our A/C being broken (and it's 82 degrees inside)... and this is what I get:  a replica of Auntie Hannah at age 2.

With the hair like this and the feisty personality to boot (like Hanch had at her age), it would have been kinda tragic had we not named Abby's middle name Hannah.


Sunday, September 23, 2012


Despite Michigan's sucky season, AbbyHan is learning to keep the faith.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Abby - 2 year old Portraits

The enlarged pictures are the ones I bought.  The smaller ones were just pictures that I didn't get.

This first picture is the one I got for my big package, because THAT looks like my 2 year old, AbbyHan.  (They brightened the gray-ish looking background lighting on this to make it white before they printed it.  It now matches the other ones.)

However, THIS picture below with the bear is my favorite.  Still bought this, just not traditional enough for the main pose (big package).

Liked this one smiling to the side - got it as part of a 3 pose picture collage.

Loved this one in the rocking chair looking down - got it as part of a 3 pose picture collage.

I should've gotten this one below because it is an adequate portrayal of DEEP DOG ABBY!  (Look at that face - see what we are dealing with?)

And a poor quality picture of a picture (I took this with my camera phone laying the portrait down on my bed because I don't have the file of this picture).  It's the same quality as the others.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Addiction Progression

My Pandora addiction is progressing nicely.  More to come.