Friday, January 31, 2014

"My wuv my baby."

Sibling comparison of newborn pics

Andrew, Abigail, Jonathan, consecutive...

ANDREW - newborn:

ABIGAIL - newborn:

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Sunday, January 26, 2014

41 hours left

Until I can kiss my youngest son for the first time.

Your momma is bananas about you, Jonathan Churchill.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

First Birthday Card

Andrew came running through the door yesterday after school saying he wanted to make Jonathan his first birthday card.  He grabbed two pieces of lined notebook paper, a pencil, and some crayons and sat at the table for a half hour making them.

Here's the first one: (he made it in pretty colors so that "Jonathan could lay in his cradle and look at it.")

Here's the second one: (This is obviously a sibling picture.  Andrew is holding Jonathan and Andrew is wearing his favorite color, orange.  He made Jonathan have a blue outfit on.  Then he asked Sissy and Abby what their favorite colors are for their outfits - purple (Sissy) and pink (Abby).)

He disappeared for a second and came back and announced that he put them both in Jonathan's cradle so he can lay there and look at them and know that they are from Andrew.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Troubleshooting: what you do when you want to eat your mini marshmallows while watching Dora but you know no food or drink are allowed in rooms with couches.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Jonathan Churchill coming January 28, 2014.

Found out this morning at my weekly OB appt that the OB wants to go ahead and deliver my baby boy a week from today, Tuesday, January 28, 2014.  This 37 week, 1 day delivery is due to my pre-eclamsia signs.

So, we are getting another January boy after all.  Chapman and Churchill, my two garnet boys.

Here is Churchill this morning at 36 weeks, 1 day:

So, naturally, doing what any mother would do a week before her baby is born when she hasn't bought him one outfit, one pack of diapers, or one box of wipes....

I headed straight to the Pandora store to complete my Mother's bracelet (now that I know for sure his birthstone color).

Now, and only now, am I ready to deliver... let's do this thing!