Thursday, May 29, 2014

Watching TV

Sissy was babysitting yesterday while I ran to the Chiropractor and I texted her to make sure everything was okay.  She texted back this pic of Abs and Church watching tv together.  Abs is bananas about him.

A few cute ones of Church from yesterday

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Good thing we bought a house with a finished Movie Room with a 65" plasma TV.

(you know, so they can lay on the cold, hard tile downstairs and watch a movie on a 9" portable DVD player.)

Reality in Pictures

These pictures are symbolic of reality. These 2 (and Sissy) are basically hand puppets for the baby. He has them wrapped around his finger and everybody knows it.

Acts 9 - Abigail Hannah Paraphrase. (The teaching courtesy of her Godmother, Cristen Hall, who is also her SS teacher.)

Abby's 3 yr old synopsis of her Sunday School lesson: 
There was a man named Paul who chopped people who loved Jesus. Then there was a bright light and it was Jesus and he said, "Be nice to them."
That would preach.

Getting house ready for Summer

Yard is greening up (about 15% left to fully green), yard service is still fertilizing, post-emergent spraying, and de-weeding, I've cleaned all the windows inside and out except for the second story outside windows which I have a company coming to do, shrub and bushes growth is coming back, edging on the lawn is done, and the 3 trees in the front yard filled with leaves again.

Still left to do: when all the shrubs and bushes finish blooming back, having them all shaped, new mesh laid in the flower beds, and new mulch added, and hopefully this summer adding HOUSE LIGHTING!  :)  We haven't decided yet if we are going to do house lighting from the top down on the gables or from the flower beds shooting up each of the gables.  But I want it bright and illuminating the house.  We don't have street lights and since we are in the center of two coves, it's a little unnerving to pull into a primarily dark house at night.  I'd love tree lighting on these 3 trees in the front yard, too.

And I'd love some color (flowers) in the flower beds in the front, but they are so full with the bushes and shrubs, I can't decide what to plant (and the flowers would have to be high enough to show over the brick beds.)  I have thought about adding about 4 or 6 shepherd's crooks to the flower beds and doing hanging baskets from them, but that is probably a flower bed faux pas.  I just want COLOR and the color to show!