Tuesday, April 29, 2014

3 month old birthday comparisons (Andrew + Abigail = Jonathan)

Peyton said Jonathan is Andrew's body and Abigail's head.  Adrian got kind of grossed out by her statement while he was looking at these pictures.  I just like DNA comparisons. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Apparently Andrew has moved on to Theology 102 while I am still teaching Theology 101.

We drove by a wooden cross in someone's front yard this morning (put out for Easter).  Abby asked about it.  I said it was the cross that reminds us that Jesus died on the cross for us.  I said, "Remember?  He died on the cross and said, "I love you."

Andrew chimed in, "No He didn't.  He said, 'It is finished.'"  And then the Indian guy said, "Whah Whah, save yourself!"

I'm not sure about the Indian guy...or what said Indian guy meant by "Whah Whah", but I guess it could have happened that way.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Weekend Fun

Auntie Han and her boyfriend Elliott came to visit.  They were only here from Friday night until Sunday at noon, but we got a lot in.  We had a blast.

We rocked on the rocking chairs at night after the kids were asleep, took a family walk around the neighborhood, had Field Day 2014, played basketball, played soccer, played frisbee, flew kites, hysterically laughed at Hannah booking around the perimeter of the lawn in flip-flops with said kite to try to keep it in the air, did races across the front lawn, played Just Dance 4 and Kinect Sports on XBox360, went to Fat Larry's for BBQ, ate a few of Adrian's cooked meals, and then the Easter Bunny came.

Some pics from the weekend: