Thursday, August 16, 2012

My current faves

I did an entry a few years ago (one of my only entries on this blog) about some of my current favorite things.  I thought I'd make a new list to reflect what I currently love 3 years later.  I'm a list maker, so this format (of list making) is fun for me.

1.  Freshly steam mopped floors
2.  Weighing in at Weight Watchers and hearing the lady, Phyllis, say, "You've lost 3.6 lbs. this week!"
3.  Chocolate molten lava cake (#2 and #3 are not necessarily associated)
4.  A freshly mowed and edged lawn
5.  Taking afternoon naps with the rugrats
6.  Ditching the family after Adrian gets home from work and going to get a massage, walk around the mall with a Starbucks, get my diamond ring cleaned at a jewelry store there, and browse through the stores.
7.  Coming home from these ditching-the-family-excursions to a welcome from the toddlers that is on par with a soldier returning from a 6 year war.
8.  When the toddlers have just gotten bathed and their hair washed and blown dry, p.j.-ed, and come up to me with their blankies and ask me to cuddle them.
9.  Sitting on the couch every night at 9 p.m. watching Adrian, Peyton, Andrew, and Abby play hide-and-go-seek, especially when Abby is "It" and has to count in the corner with her hands over her eyes
10.  Every morning at breakfast when I ask Andrew and Abby "Who wants a banana?" and Andrew raises his hand and yells, "Meeeeee!" and Abs raises her hand and yells, "Meeeeee, Baby!"
11.  When Adrian walks in the door from work and the toddlers get so excited seeing him and running to him that you can see hearts coming out of their eyes.
12.  Girls' days on Sunday with Sheila (my good friend and next-door-neighbor)
13.  When we go home for a week in the summer to my parents' house in Michigan for a family vacation and my mom (and dad) keep the kids all day, every day so Adrian and I can run around doing couple things sans kids - shopping, movies, dinner, Saugatuck, (anything!), and we return home to safe and sound kiddos who went on treasure hunts for rocks, walked to every park in Roosevelt Park, played in 5-gallon-buckets of water in the backyard, napped, had healthy meals made for them all day, and received gifts for eating said healthy meals.
14.  My kids' birthdays
15.  Doing photo shoots of people
16.  Running all over Bartlett with the toddlers in the double jogging stroller and hearing Andrew say, "On your mark, get set..." and Abby say, "Guh!"
17.  Freshly cleaned teeth from the dentist
18.  Watching Dateline on Friday nights
19.  Talking to my sisters on the phone - and mom.
20.  When Adrian comes home and says, "I.LOVE.MY.JOB."  (and he's never said anything but this with this job)
21.  Burning Yankee Candles
22.  Making an extra payment on the mortgage and feeling like we're getting ahead
23.  Fitting comfortably into jeans that were snug 3 weeks ago
24.  Buying Peyton Red Converse so she can look like Harry from "One Direction"
25.  Looking forward to Adrian and my next vacation together (he might win a trip to Bora Bora for us in February)
26.  Hearing Abigail's new words she is saying - and connecting together
27.  Clean sheet day
28.  Watching Nazi Germany/WWII specials on the history channel with Adrian while lying in bed
29.  Salsa and margis from my favorite Mexican restaurant
30.  Boot season returning (what most people call fall and winter)... cowboy boots, riding boots, and best of all, no need for snow boots down here
31.  Entertaining friends here on Saturday night
32.  Driving around as a family looking at houses
33.  Taking a shower, putting on a cute outfit, putting on jewelry and perfume, and doing my hair and makeup for the day
34.  A good Memphis thunderstorm
35.  Listening to Coast-to-Coast A.M.
36.  Preaching
37.  Using creative energy - on house, yard, photography, crafting, blogging, organizing, or anything else
38.  Being married to Adrian
39.  Drinking French Vanilla Cappuccino every morning
40.  Going to Julia's for play dates
41.  Online shopping
42.  Payday (just keeping it real and honest)  :)
43.  Planning the sentimental charms I eventually want to get to create a Pandora bracelet
44.  Looking forward to Halloween costumes and the holidays with the kiddos
45.  Adrian's cooking
46.  Long, hot baths
47.  Reading in bed
48.  When nothing is on the calendar for days in a row
49.  Listening to Praise and Worship music with the babies in the car and hearing them sing
50.  Listening to talk radio
51.  Sitting and relaxing in Starbucks


  1. I especially like #12! We are long overdue!

  2. So much happiness in the little things! love it!!!!-lydia
