Wednesday, October 17, 2012

True Love

Abs is at the stage now where she is madly in love with her daddy.  And he with her.

When he walks through the door after work, she goes nuts.  Chapman does, too, but he simmers down after a minute or two.  Abby doesn't.  She walks on his feet, clings to his legs, and generally glows and begs for his every second of attention until, well, until he gives it to her.  Which he does.  At almost 26 months old, he still lets her eat dinner sitting on his lap.  Off of his plate.  And whatever these babies want to do with their daddy for the night, they've got it.  Hide-and go-seek every night, frozen tag, dancing to the Hot Dog Dance on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  Chapman: "I'm next!  I'm next!"  Abby: "Baby's turn!  Baby's turn!"

Well, I heard Adrian pull into the driveway tonight and got my iPhone camera ready to see if I could catch a frame of Abby when her daddy walked through the door and into the room.

I caught it.

Can you see the little hearts streaming out of her eyes when she sees him?

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