Wednesday, October 9, 2013

French Vanilla Cappuccinos and The Exorcism of Emily Rose

Just been resting the past couple days - trying to rid my body of this head cold that has gone around our family.  It is kind of nice to make the declaration at 8:30 a.m. that i'm not doing anything today but resting.  I'm thinking we all need to do this more.  Feed the kids pb&j sandwiches on paper plates, milk, a sliced apple, and a Flintstone vitamin and call it good for a day.  Or three.  And just lay on the couch. Do the bare minimum.  On my deathbed, I might have some regrets, but taking too much time resting probably won't be one of them.  I'm good at resting.  And I'm not just lazy or slothful.  When I'm motivated, I'm on.  I can clean and knock out projects, yard work, flowerbeds, organizing, etc... with the best of them.  Many might call this an extremely out of balance personality type, and definitely an all-or-nothing personality type.  I prefer to think of it as not doing anything as my dad would say when we were teenagers "half-ass".  Whether I'm motivated or resting, I am completely bought in.  Committed.

So, I'm resting, drinking French Vanilla Cappuccinos, throwing in a load of laundry here and there, and watching a little TV, reading some online news, visiting on the phone, reading children's books to the ankle biters, and then reheating my coffee in the microwave.

A few of my fb friends posted today that the third season of the TV series "American Horror Story" starts tonight.  I set both DVRs to record it.  When I was an older kid and teen, I used to love a horror movie.  I could watch any of the Friday the 13th movies, Nightmare on Elm Street movies, no problem.  They would scare me, but I would love it.  I am much more of a lightweight when it comes to horror movies as an adult.  I WANT to watch them and get the scared thrill, yet still enjoy them.  I am so sensitive to them as an adult that I just can't hang with them.  I have tried and tried, and still try (hence, my looking forward to watching this tonight...until the first scene - you watch, I'll have to turn it off.)

I remember one Friday night in my own apartment in Memphis when I was 25 yrs old and lived alone, I saw that "Silence of the Lambs" was coming on at 10 p.m.  I was so excited.  I even pulled out my queen-sized hideaway bed and got all my blankets and pillows to watch it.  I got about halfway through and was so freaked out, I called my friend at 11 p.m. to drive over to her apartment across the city and spend the night.  And then when Adrian and I first started dating, he wanted to take my friend Jan and I on a fun date one Friday night.  We were trying to figure out what movie to go to see and I begged for us to go see "The Exorcism of Emily Rose".  So we went.  That was on Friday night.  I lived alone in a 5 bedroom ranch at the seminary in midtown at the time and remember going to Adrian's apartment 2 days after the movie (on Sunday) and bursting into tears about how freaked out I was.  And then once when we were dating, upon my suggestion, Adrian, his best friend Joe, and I rented "Paranormal Activity".  15 minutes in, I couldn't take it and had to leave the room.  Then I couldn't take hearing the scary music from the other room, so I had to leave altogether (actually I think I was getting ready to leave and they turned it off).  So, since then, Adrian tries to restrict my horror movie watching, and especially the supernatural ones - they especially freak me out.  (maybe it's because I attended a Pentecostal Bible College, who knows?)  But I still try.  Possibly I've outgrown my hypersensitivity to horror movies at age 38.  We'll see how I do tonight with the 1 hour and 20 minute "American Horror Story".  But I can't wait.  Especially because it's fall now and dark early, and the wind is blowing.  But I am grateful that Adrian will be home tonight in case I freak out.

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