Monday, September 30, 2013

Current haps

I have a list of things that I wanted to get done today - pay bills since it is the last day of the month, fold and put away about 40 clean towels, and about 20 other things.  It is 6:15 p.m. and I've revised my list to just take a shower and paint my toenails.  And get the kids something for dinner.

I had higher aspirations - but, to be honest, I'm pretty excited about two things in particular and losing concentration/motivation.  First, tomorrow morning is our 20 week anatomy scan ultrasound for Baby Jonathan.  Last time I saw Jonathan he was a lentil.  Adrian changed his schedule so he could go, too.  He went to Andrew and Abby's 20 week ultrasound, too - when we found out the sex of each baby.  But since we found out the sex early with this one, I wasn't sure if he'd want to go or not.  He looked at me like, "Are you kidding?  Of course I want to go!"  So, we have that at 8:30 a.m. tomorrow, and we are bringing the big sister Abigail with us.  She's a good 3 year old girl and I know she'll sit nicely.  Even though our scheduled 4D ultrasound isn't until around 30 weeks, I'm hoping the sonographer will be so kind to snap a couple 4D pics of our little boy.  She did this with Abby (and Andrew, I think).

And then my parents are coming for a visit Wednesday through Saturday of this week.  They haven't been to our new house yet since we moved here in May.  And they are coming for Grandparent's Day at Andrew's school on Friday - and to see Andrew play 2 soccer games on both Thursday night and Saturday morning.  Should be so much fun.

And Adrian is going to be home every night this week except possibly Thursday night (he revised his schedule to make this happen).  And Peyton and I revised our shared custody schedule btwn her bio parents so we could get her all this week and weekend to see Grammy and Snuff, too (she's usually with her mom Wednesday and Thursday).  Jennifer is great like that - playing switch-a-roo whenever we need or want.

So, I really need to keep this blog short so I can get the ankle biters a peanut butter sandwich and milk for dinner and pick out my toenail polish color.

If the government shuts down at midnight tonight, be good and be safe.  Honestly, whether the government is shut down or up and running, our safety is about the same.  Practically speaking, it will just give our Commander-in-Chief more time on the golf course (not that he doesn't make time currently).

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