Friday, June 27, 2014

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Your new edition of the game "Where's Churchy?"

Just overheard Andrew saying to Abby: We don't have room on the phone for the Hungry Hungry Hippo app so we have to delete something first.

Let's see.....we can, well, OH YEAH, we can delete the Kid's Bible Story app!

Well good. #raisingkidsGod'sway

Family Picture from Jonathan's Baby Dedication last week at church

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Yardwork is my love language.

Adrian came home early yesterday (in between the every day rains of the last 3 weeks) and weed-eated, edged, mowed, helped me clean the sconces and put in new bulbs, killed a bee hive by the front door, took down a nest that the birds built on the back porch, raised the canopy on the 3 little trees in our front yard (a lot of the branches needed to be cleaned up and some branches were drooping), and then dragged the branches to the curb for garbage day today.  This all took hours - and I know my husband hates yard work - but he did it for me.  And I windexed windows while he did all this.  His doing all this = love.

Today I am trying to get the inside of the house to match the outside (housework/house cleaning).

They are driving my *new (to me) Honda Odyssey to me right now from the dealership