Tuesday, February 26, 2013

5 years later

FIRST PICTURE:  Adrian's niece Savannah peeking through the chapel window on our wedding day.  01.19.08

LAST 3 PICTURES:  Our 2 youngest kiddos' first time peeking through the chapel window where momma and daddy got married (and said "I love you.")  02.24.13

Monday, February 25, 2013


This was Andrew's first time writing his name by himself (with me just calling out the letters to him).

The N is backwards because it is supposed to be a capital N.  Instead of up-down-up, he did a down-up-down (easy mistake to make).

And when you start the first line of the W in the wrong direction, viola - you get a beautiful M.

His momma thinks he's a genius.  

Thursday, February 21, 2013


My 4 year old son stepping on our digital scale:  "35 pounds!  Momma, YOU step on the scale now!  Let's see how much YOUR feet weigh!"

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Things "Grammy taught me"

During Adrian and my recent trip to Bora Bora (and Tahiti), my parents came to babysit Andrew and Abigail.  I found this stuff out from the kiddos after we returned.
Things "Grammy taught me":
1.  How to use the remote control (to turn the tv on and off)
2.  How to climb up and down on the leather pub chairs
3.  How to sit on the pub chairs that don't have arm rests
4.  How to put the toilet seat back down every time (THANK YOU FROM ANDREW'S FUTURE WIFE!)...if he so chooses to get married, Hannah.
5.  How to eat green beans and love them
6.  How to get dressed (although he's known how - he just plays helpless)
7.  About Licorice Lagoon and the actual names of locations on Candyland (I just put my head down and spin til it's over)
8.  How to make Valentines (Valentimes)


1.  How to blow her nose (Today I put a tissue up to her nose and said "Blow".  She did and then said, "Grammy taught me")
2.  How to go on the big slides at Andrew's Park
3.  How to name the Altruria Park after herself bc Andrew had one and she felt left out.
A hearty thank you from the momma.  :)

* Snuff taught them stuff as well - but mainly it was Dthus Dthus Delia and game playing and Andrew picking up Snuff's saying "pretty neat, huh?"  Chappy said it for four days straight.

Some pics that Peyt took with her iPhone while Grammy and Snuff were babysitting: