Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Visit to Grammy's

Climbing back up to get more "Dthus Dthus Delia":

Grammy's Birthday Party

Andrew got to sit right next to Grammy at her Birthday Party.

Amber's daughter Destiny and Andrew.

Watching Snuff grill steaks.

Monday, October 12, 2009

At Grammy and Snuff's

"Happy Birthday, Grammy!"

(Andrew + Grammy = Best Friends Forever)

"Dthus Dthus Delia" by the NEW Grandpa Groh... (i.e. 'Snuff')

Monday, October 5, 2009

Andrew's First "Friend's Birthday Party" at Chuck E. Cheeses

Adrian's best friend Joe has an older brother Jeremy whose youngest son, Gavin, turned 2 today (got that?). They invited Andrew to his Chuck E. Cheese birthday party. It shocked me a little to get a Disney "Cars" invitation for "Andrew Bishop" in the mail. I was so excited to take him but worried that Chuckie might freak him out like he does all the wee little kids.

He loved all of it and never cried once.

I love this one.

We love "Bob the Builder".

Uh, kick your feet up and make yourself at home, Andrew.

"Hi Barney". (Momma hates Barney. She thinks he's a creeper.)

Andrew loved Uncle Joe Joe (Adrian's best friend and Best Man in our wedding).

Sunday, October 4, 2009

My Current Fave List

Since at this point I don't have an extensive readership (just my husband and my cousin Kelly - and I really think that Kelly is the only reader. Adrian just knows I have a blog), I can do random entries without having to put much thought into them or their creativity.

I am a list person. I used to be a list person who was also a "check-off the list" person. As of the past two years, I rarely check off the lists like I used to. Now I just make sure to put doctor's appointments at the top of the list and make sure we have milk in the house. Other than those two check marks, it's just a nice list where I can see my brain on lined paper.

So, in keeping with my list loving, I am going to list some of the things that I love at this point in my life. Some are lifetime and forever loves; some are relatively new. All are my current favorites:

1. Starbucks solo venti white mochas
2. Taking morning naps with the baby
3. Not having to work outside the home
4. Mowing the lawn
5. The feeling that I get when the lawn is mowed, edged, bushes trimmed, and clippings blown
6. When Oprah is a good one
7. Reading in bed
8. Kissing Andrew's warm cheeks when he first wakes up
9. Daydreaming about what Santa is going to bring Andrew for his first Christmas
10. Keeping up with my few phone talking relatives on the phone
11. The mildy manic feeling I get after drinking a large sugar-free vanilla iced coffee from McD's
12. The amount of work I get done as a result of #11
13. Laughing with Adrian when he's getting ready for work
14. When Adrian gets home from work (and seeing Andrew go nuts over this, too)
15. Taking pictures with my parent's camera
16. Preaching a good sermon
17. My church
18. How I feel (on the rare occasion) that I get up, shower, put on a cute outfit, do my hair and makeup, wear jewelry, and go somewhere
19. How I feel at 9 p.m. when the kids are in bed and the rest of the day is mine
20. Visiting Chicago relatives
21. Going to the dentist (and the feeling of squeaky clean teeth and a new toothbrush)
22. Hot bath
23. Making some progress on scrapbooking
24. Sitting in the massage chairs at Brookstone
25. Photographing Andrew every second of his life (and occasionally videotaping)
26. Road trips
27. Driving around Arlington and Lakeland with Adrian looking at houses
28. Playing on facebook and keeping up with relationships that way
29. Listening to Glenn Beck and Rush on AM talk radio from my car
30. Being a soccer mom
31. When Adrian had a great day
32. Stashing away mad money in my hiding spot
33. Going home to my parents' house with my family
34. Making sock snowmen
35. Playing online, reading people's blogs, reading Drudge report and other current news stories
36. Watching Extra and Access Hollywood
37. Watching American Idol and then calling my mom afterward to recap
38. Sitting on the front lawn with the baby
39. Scented candles
40. Warm coffee drinks
41. Double cheesy beef burrito from Taco Bell
42. When Andrew plays patty-cake on his own because he's happy
43. Hanging with my little girl, Peyton
44. Getting a shoulder and back massage
45. Talking to and being with Tracy (and us couple dating with Tracy and David)
46. Mojitos, margaritas, ameretto sours, and wine coolers
47. Eating chicken and cheese and rice at Mexican restaurants (and chips and salsa)
48. Making future plans with Adrian
49. Barnes and Noble
50. The Library
51. Going to my in-laws' house